Well, let’s jump right in with our top story: My Hair. I’m letting it grow back out after getting about a foot cut off last year. But since my hair tends to do this when it’s all one length…
I got some layers cut back into it. I like it. :)
Incorporating living elements into your seasonal decor is one of the best ways to create a warm and inspiring living space. That’s why I’ve placed Jaws, my cat, on the Fall mantle. Follow me for more home decorating tips.
Our house was built in 1987 and had many original fixtures when we moved in. While the original selections are high quality, they are not my style. Our dining room chandelier, for example, gave off strong “medieval torture chamber” vibes. And yes, I know when you think of me, you think, “torture” but it didn’t go well with the distressed farm table. (When you think of me, you may also think, “distressed.”)
We are slowly updating as the budget allows, and recently replaced the dining room chandelier. If being in love with a light fixture is wrong, I don’t want to be right.
As a rule, I never let more than a week go by before I visit the ocean, even in the summer when it’s a thousand million degrees outside. Beach time centers me in a way nothing else can. A few weeks ago on a hot and muggy Sunday afternoon, I saw this:
I was in Walgreens the other day picking up an anniversary card for Jon (more on that in a minute) when I spotted this lip gloss. I was drawn to the word “PLUMP” because my lips are shrinking in my old age, and soon I will be drawing imaginary lips where mine once were. But until then, I can “PLUMP” them up with this. Quick, easy, non-invasive fix, amiright?
What I apparently missed was that red chili pepper. Do you see it?
That little red chili pepper is there because there is actual CHILI PEPPER in this lip gloss.
I know it also says “Chili Pepper” on the bottle, but I THOUGHT THAT WAS THE NAME OF THE COLOR!
To help unsuspecting skinny-lipped women everywhere, I’m submitting the following PSA to PLUMP about their lip gloss:
Use With Extreme Caution: Upon application of PLUMP lip gloss, your lips will immediately combust (don’t worry, it helps with the PLUMPING). In your state of shock and confusion, you may accidentally lick your lips, at which point the chili pepper (see chili pepper icon on package: 🌶️ ) will transfer from the lips via the tongue to the inside of your mouth, where it will then migrate to the back of your throat. You will cough multiple times while trying to discern what is happening. You will determine that you are having an allergic reaction, what with all the lip-burning and throat-closing, and you may start searching for Benadryl (all the while your lips will be PLUMPING, so hang in there.)
You’ll realize before taking the Benadryl that you’ve ingested actual chili pepper 🌶️ . In an attempt to wash the chili pepper down your throat and stop the coughing, you will locate your reusable water bottle and take a drink. In doing so, you will leave a trace of lip gloss (🌶️ ) on your water bottle. Later, when you least suspect it, you will pick up your water bottle for a refreshing drink, and PLUMP again and again.
All in all, it is both a terrifying and exhilarating experience.
Speaking of FIRE, lately, I’ve been dimming the lights and burning taper candles at dinner time. I combine the candles with this Jazz for Fall playlist. I cannot begin to tell you how this combo transforms the ambiance from “Regular Pasta Monday” to “Elegant Italian Bistro.” Five stars. Highly recommend.
Elliana received a Homecoming dance invitation from a very nice boy, complete with fresh flowers. She was still blushing hours later. It was adorable.
While I know the whole “dating” thing is complicated for both kid and mom (it’s reminiscent of PLUMP: both terrifying and exhilarating) as we officially enter this phase with Kid #3, I will go on record to say that this is one of my favorite seasons of parenting.
Thanks again for all your prayers during Helene and Milton. Jacksonville was not in the direct path of either, but we felt the effect of the outer bands with minimal damage. Every time someone checked on me, I sent them a screenshot of the radar to let them know what was happening at my blue dot.
I have friends in the Tampa/St. Pete and Asheville NC areas. Prayers for them as they recover. Many of them are still without power and water.
This week’s weather forecast makes me want to cry happy tears. I haven’t seen daytime temps in the 60s since May? April? 2022???? I swear, summer in Florida lasted about 574 days this year. As I write this, I’m sitting in front of an open window with a hot cup of coffee, an apple-cinnamon-scented candle, and I’m making soup for dinner. Take THAT, summer!
Jon and I celebrated 31 years of marriage by road-tripping to Orlando without the kids. While we’ve been to Disney several times over the years, the last time we went without kids was in 1998 when I was pregnant with Rebekah (who is now 25 years old).
We kicked it off with the season’s inaugural Pumpkin Spice Latte w/oatmilk. Yum.
We enjoyed dinner poolside at the lovely Gaylord Palms Resort.
And then we went to Epcot. Have you been to Epcot lately? It’s so fun. They’ve added several new attractions since the last time I was there in 2019.
If you like roller coasters, but prefer your roller coaster not flip you upside down or drop you 300 feet, I highly suggest Guardians of the Galaxy.
We had to wait until almost 8 pm for our reservation. By that time, I had been in the park for 11 hours in my body for more than 56 years, so I was doubting my ability to physically handle it—like, for real. As I stood in line, reflecting on my thrill ride experience the last 27 years, I realized that whenever we are faced with a roller coaster situation, I am usually sitting out because I’m pregnant/with the baby/with the little kid/with the scared kid. I don’t think I’ve been on a real roller coaster in over 10 years. In that time span, not only have my lips thinned out, but so have my nerves and my connective tissue. I was scared I’d snap my neck or my brain. (??)
I almost ditched Jon, is what I’m saying.
But when I saw small children and grandparents in line, I decided if grandpa can do this. so can I!
And I’m so glad I did. It is truly the most fun I’ve had on a ride, like EVER. Guardians of the Galaxy now holds the title of Sandy’s Favorite Ride of All Time. (Bumping out Pandora, which held the coveted title since 2019.)
I realize there is a spiritual conclusion we can draw from this experience. You know, the whole, “you almost missed the best thing ever because you were scared.” But no. this is just about roller coasters.
We ended our weekend strolling Disney Springs where we ate lunch at Summer House by the Lake. Not only is that the most inviting name for a restaurant, but the food was a-maz-ing. This is their famous cinnamon roll.
It’s difficult to see the scale in this picture, but let me just tell you: that is not a “side plate.” That, my friend, is a “dinner plate” and that cinnamon roll is a full-sized cake standing about six inches tall.
To quote my husband, “This is the best thing I’ve ever eaten in my life.”
Yesterday when I got dressed I pulled on my Baggy Jeans (not pictured) because I had to run some errands but couldn’t handle the thought of hard pants on my body. Except when I slipped on my Baggy Jeans, they weren’t baggy. I thought that I had accidentally grabbed the wrong jeans.
But nope.
They are now The Jeans Formerly Known As Baggy. Which may or may not have something to do with that cinnamon roll.
And finally, in the spirit of election season, I’d kindly ask that you support my candidate for President:
If “Pedro” loses in the US, please come and run in Canada too 😂
Absolutely hilarity through and through. I live for these updates!