Before you read this, would you please take my 2-minute survey? I want to know what you think about a few things. Please and thank you.
And now for some fun math facts:
I had my first baby in 1997.
That means this is my 27th summer with kids living in my home.
It’s my 19th summer with kids on a school schedule and a traditional summer break.
I’ve been studying “balance” for 25 of those years.
I’ve been teaching other moms about balance for 20 of those years.
Here’s what I know for sure: Balance isn’t only about what you do. It’s also about what you THINK about what you do.
Let’s be real: you can technically do all the right things, but if your attitude stinks, it’s not balance.
You may be taking care of your children well enough—changing diapers, cleaning up spills, driving kids to all the activities, cooking healthy meals, doing two loads of laundry every day for the rest of your life forever and ever amen—but if you’re constantly complaining about how you don’t ever get time to yourself, it’s not balance. Or if you’re discontent—always looking forward to some future day when all the kids get out of your hair and home, it’s not balance.
What we do and what we think about what we do are two sides of the same coin. Our behavior is one side of balance and our mindset is the other.
This week on the podcast, I’m sharing four mindsets to find your summer balance.
What we discuss in EP232
A review of what real balance means as defined in Finding Your Balance
Four Balance Basics and how you can apply them to summer
My plans for this summer and for this podcast, as well as all the ways you can connect with me.
Summer balance is different than school year balance. You need a plan and a mindset adjustment. Let me help you.
P.S. Did you take the survey? It’s literally four questions…and the fourth question is optional. So, it’s like, THREE multiple-choice questions.