Algorithm-Free News Sources for Those of Us Who Already Want Election Season to be Over
Plus a podcast announcement!
On September 11, 2019, I began my first-ever one-year social media break. When I decided to leave social media for a year, I hadn’t considered that I would be RETURNING to social media in September 2020, in the throes of the 2020 Presidential election season.
As my break was coming to an end, I realized that, not only had I inadvertently avoided the social media circus surrounding the global pandemic (score!), but also managed to circumvent all the rage, fake news, and conspiracy theories surrounding the election. I mean, truly, I couldn’t have timed that break any better. While the people around me were anxious, fearful, and angry, I felt clear-headed, peaceful, and focused. And, dude, I did NOT want to screw that up.
So, I decided to extend my social media break through the end of November.
That first one-year social media break would also turn out to be my last social media break because I left for good in March of 2021.
One of the most frequently asked questions I get from people about leaving social media is some version of How do you know what’s going on in the world? or How do you get your news?
It’s a valid question.
The first thing you must know is this: You WILL know things, I promise. People will make sure of it. When Trump was shot on July 13th, I knew about it within a few minutes of it happening. Jon and I were eating at a restaurant by the beach1 and the people at the table next to us were all glued to their phones and talking about it loudly enough for us to hear. Two minutes later, my daughter sent me a text with a news link.
I don’t want to live blissfully and naively unaware of what is happening in the world2. But at the same time, I cannot absorb a steady stream of world news PLUS everyone’s thoughts about the world news PLUS everyone’s thoughts about the thoughts about the world news.
I just can’t.
I also cannot follow any algorithm-driven news source that assumes when I click on the story about the kidnapped child, that I want EVERY STORY ABOUT EVERY KIDNAPPED CHILD FOREVER AND EVER. Call me an empath or a highly sensitive person or a super-absorbant sponge, but I just can’t handle the news delivered to me through an algorithmic firehose.
As a follower of Christ, I believe it’s my responsibility to guard my heart because everything I do flows from it. (Prov 4:23) That means the quality and the quantity of what I read and watch determine both how I think and who I become.
So, here are the ways I stay informed while still maintaining control over what enters my heart and mind.
For local news, I subscribe to my local newspaper. To be clear, it’s the actual physical newspaper, dropped off in my driveway every morning, as opposed to the online version. Yes, it’s mostly a day later than I could receive the same news, but I’m in no hurry and I prefer to be off my phone or computer as much as possible. And also, I enjoy paging through it with a cup of tea like a 70-year-old retired man.
The Pour Over: This is a newsletter that comes directly to my email a few days a week. What I love most about The Pour Over is that it gives a summary of the top stories, usually with a bit of wit and humor, and always ending with a Bible verse and a Biblical perspective.
There is also a podcast version if you’d rather listen. (Truthfully, I prefer to read, because I can scan the headlines and choose what to put into my mind—but if you prefer listening to reading, then you have that option.) Don’t miss the Whipped Cream on Top feature at the end of each email. Super fun.
1440 Daily Digest: This is also a free email newsletter. It’s a little longer than The Pour Over, but I love how it covers (and links to) all the daily top stories and ends with a series of more light-hearted, lifestyle-type stories.
AllSides: Another free email newsletter! What I love most about AllSides is that each news story links to the original article and states whether the article leans politically to the right, to the left, or in the center.
My grad-student daughter, pursuing a dual master’s in Public Policy and Marine Science at a private secular college, first told me about AllSides. Then last week my 17-year-old daughter, taking a senior government class at a private Christian high school told me AllSides is part of their curriculum to study news biases. It’s highly entertaining to read the exact same story told from three different political perspectives. When you subscribe, you can choose from a variety of newsletters, depending on the type of news you want to receive and how often you want to receive it.
A NEW SEASON of The Balanced MomCast
Speaking of breaks and news, I’m about to return from my summer podcast break with a whole new season of The Balanced MomCast. I have a fantastic line-up of guests and solo episodes planned. EP233 drops September 12th.
September is a great time to focus on your spiritual life
For moms with kids on a traditional school schedule, September is the new January. With routines in place and kids in school, it’s a great time to focus on your relationship with God. If you need something to binge while you wait for the new podcast season, I’ve created a Spotify Playlist of all the episodes I’ve done on Spiritual Practices—20 episodes and 9+ hours of listening. You can find that playlist here.
Have a lovely and peaceful weekend,
Not a relevant fact except that I still pinch myself every time I realize I can go to the beach on a random Saturday for dinner. Also, further evidence that the picture of the girl at the beach could be me.
That’s a lie. Actually, I do.
This is an affiliate link. If I get 10 more referrals through this link, I get a t-shirt! I’ve already earned a sticker and mug (pictured above). Thank you for helping me feed my family.
Thanks for the news source recommendations, Sandy. They are all new to me, so I plan to check them out. 📖
So many good resources, shared with your usual candor and humor. Much appreciated, Sandy!
edited to add: Thank you for the Spotify podcast list of Spiritual Practices episodes.
I'm set for life....