Love this episode and all the ones on routines because I’m as type B, unorganized as they get and this is the only “plan” that has a shred of hope at working for me!😂 But I had a new thought listening this week. As you were talking about things to put in our routines that we crave. I am a selfish person at the core (baby of the family?) but my husband’s love language is acts of service. So I’ve added making him a morning smoothie to my morning coffee routine. (Before I would be all snuggled up with my coffee, puppy and Bible and he’d make it himself or I’d begrudgingly get up to do it for him). I love that adding this to my routine before I even sit down with my coffee has enabled me to serve him (and protect my morning serenity routine). Hope that made sense. Because it did in my head.❤️ also, the 21 day thing is a myth?!?! Wow. Good thing I never made it to 21 days on anything anyway😂
Shelly, that is brilliant. You may claim to be a "selfish person at the core" but I see two things: You are loving the Lord (Bible time) and you are loving your husband (smoothie). Jesus basically said that when you get that right, everything else falls into place. So you're doing great. 😊
I also see that you love coffee...and that makes you exceptional.
Love this episode and all the ones on routines because I’m as type B, unorganized as they get and this is the only “plan” that has a shred of hope at working for me!😂 But I had a new thought listening this week. As you were talking about things to put in our routines that we crave. I am a selfish person at the core (baby of the family?) but my husband’s love language is acts of service. So I’ve added making him a morning smoothie to my morning coffee routine. (Before I would be all snuggled up with my coffee, puppy and Bible and he’d make it himself or I’d begrudgingly get up to do it for him). I love that adding this to my routine before I even sit down with my coffee has enabled me to serve him (and protect my morning serenity routine). Hope that made sense. Because it did in my head.❤️ also, the 21 day thing is a myth?!?! Wow. Good thing I never made it to 21 days on anything anyway😂
Shelly, that is brilliant. You may claim to be a "selfish person at the core" but I see two things: You are loving the Lord (Bible time) and you are loving your husband (smoothie). Jesus basically said that when you get that right, everything else falls into place. So you're doing great. 😊
I also see that you love coffee...and that makes you exceptional.