Hi and Happy Thursday!
If you are a person who hates "being a slave" to your to-do list, this episode is for you. I break down the exact process I use to create lists that
free up my brain space,
move the needle on projects that matter to me,
keep track of looming deadlines,
and permit me to ignore everything else.
If you think you're not a "list person" I challenge you to listen to this super tactical episode.
What we discuss
A reminder that productivity is a nice goal but a terrible god
What to-do lists are
How and why to-do lists work
The process I use to move from Mind Dump to Daily List
My favorite tools for list-making
Praying you have a peacefully productive rest of your week. :)
P.S. Have you taken the What is Your Busyness Personality Quiz yet?
Oh also I like combining digital and paper. For example at work (I have 2 part time bookkeeping jobs) I have tasks that repeat on different schedules. Annual, quarterly, monthly, weekly. And I have miscellaneous tasks. I use Keep & Share (a free website) to build a monthly calendar that repeats all the things on the schedule. This is important for deadlines like taxes and annual reports. Then I will print it off 3 months at a time, and every day I cross off the things that I did and add notes for all the miscellaneous tasks that come up. I use multiple colors just for fun to make it pretty. It lives on my desk and it feels so good to cross the items off. And I haven’t missed a tax payment deadline since I started doing this.
Great episode. I have a day off/flex day today so I think I might spend it building a similar list system for myself. A note about me - I like including some of my daily/weekly routines on my to do list because the satisfaction of crossing them off the list gives me a rush of motivation to keep going and cross more off. It also gives me something to feel better about on those days that go off the rails. At least I did XYZ.