Great episode. I have a day off/flex day today so I think I might spend it building a similar list system for myself. A note about me - I like including some of my daily/weekly routines on my to do list because the satisfaction of crossing them off the list gives me a rush of motivation to keep going and cross more off. It also gives me something to feel better about on those days that go off the rails. At least I did XYZ.

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I sometimes do the same thing, Kelly, for the same reason. But because I have limited lines on my ToDay List Template that I use, I'm forced to keep only a few items on the list.

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Oh also I like combining digital and paper. For example at work (I have 2 part time bookkeeping jobs) I have tasks that repeat on different schedules. Annual, quarterly, monthly, weekly. And I have miscellaneous tasks. I use Keep & Share (a free website) to build a monthly calendar that repeats all the things on the schedule. This is important for deadlines like taxes and annual reports. Then I will print it off 3 months at a time, and every day I cross off the things that I did and add notes for all the miscellaneous tasks that come up. I use multiple colors just for fun to make it pretty. It lives on my desk and it feels so good to cross the items off. And I haven’t missed a tax payment deadline since I started doing this.

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Oh what a fun way to to track the recurring items! I love when people find tools that work for them. Thanks for sharing this!!

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