I got well balanced 😳. I guess I am generally okay but sometimes things go upside down and it throws me off completely. I feel like a Jenga tower. I’m solid. I’m good. But if you pull at too many blocks or just the wrong block I’m going down.

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Interesting...I think of you as The Non-Busy Person. I like your Jenga analogy, though. I can relate to that.

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Maybe I should take the quiz again 😜

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Well...to be clear, The Well-Balanced Person is the goal. But the Non-Busy person is adjacent. I am probably thinking about things that you shared with me when your kids were small. Now that your kids are older and you've taken on more work, those non-busy tendencies no longer apply or work with your life.

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I listened to the episode and thought about it and yeah. I think overall I’m pretty balanced when it comes to busyness. My overwhelm these days exists in other areas. Carrying things I need to set down emotionally rather than in my schedule. My practical routines are working, but I’m still carrying the weight of everyone’s emotional and spiritual health. Which I shouldn’t. Cause it’s not mine to carry.

Which is why I need Bible time. And prayer time. And therapy. Which I went to this week. Yay me.

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I got well balanced. What?!?! Guess the whole midlife crisis/chrysalis/pandemic has done me some good, haha. Like Kelly, though, Jenga happens. I think that's just life. We're doing better - Go, Us!

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Life experience--especially the hard stuff-- can make us or break us. Sounds like it's making you. Well done, my Well-Balanced sister. :)

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I got the defender. Makes sense, as we have 3 kids 4yo and under. I've been working on accepting help, but finding it tricky when there are lots of open-ended offers "let us know if we can help with anything!".

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You're in a HARD SEASON. I want to hug you. People mean well when they give the open-ended offer...but it's not very helpful, is it.

Maybe there's a teen in your church or neighborhood who could come over after school and be your helper? Or can you swap sitting with a friend so you get at least 1 day every two weeks or so all to yourself? (That was a fave strategy of mine when I had tiny kids). Or you the next time someone gives a "let us know if we can help with anything" be ready with a few things that you could really use (Can you get my grocery pick up? Can you watch my kids for 2 hours so I can run errands? I'd love for you to come over and help me fold this mountain of laundry!) People want to help...they just don't know what you need or how to offer it.

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