I do have a hard time saying no to people but I do say no way more and with less guilt than I used to. And as you said, once you realize it is taking away from the Lord’s plan for someone else and could be displacing what you are called to, it is easier.

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I am finally catching up - I loved this episode and this post. I am a people pleaser that God is working on, and it is hard for me to not help everywhere I see a need. But I get tired and burnout and I'm cranky and its bad for everyone, especially those in my family who see me at my worst. I am learning to look for the HELL YES tasks/things/commitments and I am getting better, but I still have a hard time not worrying about what others will think of my "no". Its a process.

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Yes, ma'am it is. It has taken my decades (DECADES, I TELL YOU!) to get to this place. I'm proud of you.

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